TGYG at King of the Beach

We may not have caught the biggest fish at King of the Beach, but we definitely had the fastest, most stable ride out there!
Gronk Goes Boating with Tom George Yacht Group

Watch Gronk take delivery of his new Cobalt 30SC and learn all the boating basics with Capt. Kyle from Tom George Yacht Group!
Scalloping in Florida: A Complete Guide to Successful Harvesting

Scalloping in Florida is one of the most popular water activities on the Florida Gulf Coast. The activity is family friendly, doesn’t require a bunch of specialized gear and is an active, yet relaxing day on the water. Add it up, and it’s clear why scalloping in Florida is so popular.
Pink Shell Slipaway

Join us for a weekend of fun in the sun at the Pink Shell Slipaway June 9-12. Learn how to RSVP here. Don’t miss out!
Cobalt Boat Owners’ Testimonial
Cobalt Boat Owners
Boat Maintenance Guide: Ensuring Your Boat Stays In Top Condition

Boat maintenance is an important part of owning and operating your boat. The boat sitting at the dock or at the marina that you love so dearly is likely a significant investment of money, and just like any other asset in your life, it needs to be cared for and properly maintained.
What You Need for Fishing with Kids – Video Tutorial

Learn the basic equipment you need for a day of inshore fishing with young kids: bait, tackle, rods, etc.
Lobstering in Florida: A full guide to this family-friendly activity

While home to many outdoor and water activities, lobstering in Florida is one of the most popular activities each year in the waters surrounding the sunshine state.
The Invincible 40 Catamaran vs. the Freeman 42 Catamaran
The market for offshore catamarans is exploding. The new generation of catamarans are bigger, faster and a die-hard angler’s dream.
Catamaran Fishing Boats: Why You Should Consider an Offshore Multihull Boat
The market for offshore catamarans has exploded in recent years, and catamaran fishing boats are driving much of the surge in popularity.